Install AGW Helm

Install Access Gateway on Ubuntu (Bare Metal)


AGW Helm charts are currently in experimental state, therefore sometimes there are some issues in integrating it with orc8r.


To setup a Magma Access Gateway, you will need a machine that satisfies the following requirements:

  • 64bit-X86 machine with ubuntu 20.

  • 2 ethernet ports.

  • 8 Gb Ram.

  • 4 Core CPU.


1. Docker

Download the offical script to install and setup docker on ubuntu.


Make some changes in the script

sed -i "113 a\sed -i 's/debian/debian-test/' /opt/magma/lte/gateway/deploy/roles/magma_deploy/vars/all.yaml\n\
sed -i 's/focal-1.7.0/focal-ci/' /opt/magma/lte/gateway/deploy/roles/magma_deploy/vars/all.yaml\n\
       " ""

Execute the script


This script will automatically setup docker and configure related things and restart machine.

2. Create a K8s Cluster

we’ll only install the required components from this ansible-playbook.

Clone repo on your local machine(Not AGW machine).

git clone && cd magma-galaxy

Make changes to deploy-orc8r.yml file.

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Make changes to hosts.yml file acc to your AGW host machine.

Copy ssh id to remote machine(Agw) to have passwordless ssh.

ssh-copy-id <Hostname>@<ip-address>

Run playbook.

ansible-playbook config-orc8r.yml

This playbook will take around 10 min to complete.

3. Deploy AGW

Files required

  • rootCA.pem certificate file from orc8r.

place this file on the required location.

sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/magma/certs/
sudo cp rootCA.pem /var/opt/magma/certs/
  • gwChallenge.key key file.

To generate it.

cd /var/opt/magma/certs

# Generate Private key
sudo openssl ecparam -name secp384r1 -genkey -noout -out gw_challenge.key
sudo chmod 644 gw_challenge.key

# Generate Public key
openssl ec -in gw_challenge.key -pubout -out gw_challenge.pem
GW_CHALLENGE=$(cat gw_challenge.pem | sed '5d' | sed '1d' | tr -d '\n')
  • snowflake file that contains the uuid.

To generate this.

sudo uuidgen > /etc/snowflake

Make changes to hosts file

open /etc/hosts in edit mode and Add the following lines in the file

replace with your orc8r address.

Verify the sanity of rootCA.pem file

openssl x509 -text -noout -in /var/opt/magma/certs/rootCA.pem

Create /var/opt/magma/configs/control_proxy.yml with your orc8r/controller details

sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/magma/configs/
sudo vim /var/opt/magma/configs/control_proxy.yml

Insert the following lines.

Verify connectivity between AGW and Orc8r

telnet bootstrapper-controller.<Orc8rDomainName>.com 443

Will return this:

Pull Docker images.

docker pull


docker pull

Clone Magma repo and go to docker directory

git clone && cd magma/lte/gateway/docker/

Start docker containers

docker-compose up

Let’s check the docker containers

docker ps | grep agw

Every container is in healthy condition. Now, let’s delete them

docker-compose down

Go to helm directory

cd ../deploy/agwc-helm-charts/

Edit values.yaml file

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Edit agwc-config.pod.yaml file.

nano templates/agwc-config.pod.yaml

and change hostPath type from Directory to DirectoryOrCreate

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Create magma namespace

kubectl create namespace magma

Create rootca certificate secret needed to communicate with orc8r

kubectl create secret generic agwc-secret-certs --from-file=rootCA.pem=rootCA.pem --namespace magma

make sure to execute this command on the directory where rootCA.pem file is present.

Deploy an AGW after updating values.yaml

cd lte/gateway/deploy/agwc-helm-charts
helm --debug install agwc --namespace magma . --values=values.yaml

Make sure all pods are in running state.

kubectl get pods -n magma
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Now lets connect the orc8r with AGW. Open your orc8r dashboard and go to Equipment section.

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Add a new AGW By entering the following details.

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AGW added successfully.

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Health will come to healthy state when the connection will be successful and agw service will synchronize themself.